Modern Slavery: What’s the plan?

Have you read Australia’s National Action Plan (NAP) to Combat Modern Slavery 2020 – 2025?

The NAP is the government’s roadmap for action and engagement with survivors, civil society and business. It is also backed by an allocation of $4.4 million of grant funding for projects that align with its 5 national strategic priorities:

  1. prevent
  2. disrupt, investigate and prosecute
  3. support and protect
  4. partner
  5. research

Join us for this webinar where Hayley Boxall from the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) will provide:

  • an in-depth review of the (NAP) strategic priorities
  • an explanation of the monitoring and evaluation framework that underpins the NAP
  • information about the AIC’s extensive body of research on human trafficking and modern slavery

Please join us for a panel discussion that will include:

Hayley Boxall

Jenny Stanger